Remarkable story. I mean, I'm a dyed-in-the-wool greenie, but for God's sake can't they ever just stop and learn about something before haring off this way and that? Look how they insist we all stop eating meat because they can't be bothered to learn how the industry operates, lumping the big boys with the much smaller grassfed operations that sequester carbon? And are you aware that the Monterey Bay hypergreenies are insisting we all quit eating lobster in order to force the small Maine fishermen out of work in case someday maybe a Right Whale will get entangled? (They never have, but hey, you never know). Reminds me of a local pastor my Mom used to say would come around haranguing the local ladies over perceived small failures of morality, but never go visit the local big hairy wife-beaters.

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Thank you for the in-depth coverage, Max, and for facilitating it, Nat! Subscribed

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Ecological science is usually complex, with little explicit cause and effect relationships. Where's the data (used by Wild Salmon Conservancy) linking the SE troll caught salmon to Orca prey needs? Also, that he WSC wants to diminish hatchery production seems entirely delusional. They seem to be losing their heads, but refusing an artificial brain to carry on.

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The orcas aren’t starving to death they are being chased to death by the whale watching boats but let’s not talk about that , it’s very lucrative business

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